Monday, April 28, 2014

The tips in IELTS Speaking Test

The type of question
The IELTS Speaking test ussually consist of two type of questions. The first question is what we call as the introduction and intervew question, it is a question ussually about introducting your self, the question is probably diferent but contecs is always the same which is about introducting your self. Typically the question of this first section are somethings like “what is your name?” ,“Tell me About Your Hoby!”, “ Please discribe your education background”. Etc.
To finishing the first section you have 4-5 minutes, so my advices is take the time given to show your ability in speaking english, even if the questions can be answered by the short senteces you must  try to make it longer. But remember! it must answer the question. I mean when you speak around but doesn’t aswer the question than you will get low score. Whereas you must  answer the question first than give the explanation after it.
The second type of question in speaking is called Individual Long Turn. In this kind question you will be given a note that has instruction on it about what you must describe. It can be a question or other thing, for example in my diagnostic test i was given a question about my most imfortant thing in my life, than i had to give an explanation of my reason for choosing “the thing”.
The Tips in doing the Speaking Test
Actually there are no efectif tips of doing the speking test beside that you have to practice alot but in the way of preparing your self try to do these thing :
1.       Act as you are in the midlle of interview and try telling about your self. (try to make it in the long sentences).
2.       Learn about tonge twister. (It is one way of improving your fluency).
3.       Pay attention of what the examiner ask you to. If we don’t understand the instruction that is given by the examiners, we will lose one point.  It is very often that when we do the IELTS test, the examiner is the native speaker which speak english differently that indonesian. So you must improve your abillity of understanding english in the way native speaker speak. Watching a lot of british movie is one way to improve it.
4.       Last but not least is you must study bloody hard.
I thing, that’s all guys i hope you can tak advantage from this silly article. Once again apologize me if there are alot of mistake in the law of speaking english. See you on the next articles.

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